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Showing posts from January, 2012

A Fresh Start

It's here...the New Year.  Our past lies in the shadows of yesterday and our future lies before us unfolding each new moment.  It's the time for new beginnings...a fresh start...a clean slate.  For most, this thought brings relief, but for some it brings fear.  Fear that this year will slip away as quickly as the last...that moments will fade into memories...people that are dear will be no more...intentions will never become actions and dreams...well... they will remain as nothing more than a dream.  As the Christmas season approached this is where I found myself.  My heart was weary and fearful.  The last few years have been a desert filled with pain, disappointment, loss and loneliness.  Many times I've struggled to trust God, to be grateful for these things, these things that wound so deeply.  Sometimes my prayers have felt as though they bounce off the ceiling and no matter how much I beg or scream He doesn't hear me.  I've been...