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Showing posts from June, 2012

Let Go

It was nearing 1 a.m. still we were hanging upon each spoken syllable.  He is a man of few words but tonight...tonight was different.  Each of us sat on the edge of our seat intently listening, leaning in as if we were stepping into each page of the tale.  Captivated. The story: His experiences as a delivery driver. Pulling up to the house all appeared to be normal, but as the lady led him to the basement a fowl odor wafted through the air.  Standing before the freezer (that had been duct taped shut)...Silently watching in horror as goo oozed out into puddles upon the cement slab...He gasped...the stench was unbearable!  "Ma'am is the freezer empty?"  A look of embarrassment and shame spread across her face.  "No."  Stammering about she finally admitted to the unthinkable...she collected her dead pets!  "I couldn't bury them and I wouldn't dare throw them away.  So, I froze them.  It worked!  Until the freezer broke, and they all defrosted."