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Showing posts from February, 2013

Girl or Boy????

Well, we had the ultrasound yesterday!  All seven of us piled into a room anxiously awaiting the gender reveal.  For the first time ever the doctors were unable to let us know.  Everyone was so disappointed.  They tried and tried but the baby refused to let us get a peek.  I'm scheduled for another ultrasound the end of March...maybe I'll have news for you all then.  Until then... Jessie


  ~My handsome man~ ~Grandma with her children ~ ~Grandma with her grandchildren~   ~Family~ Tears for a life lived well Goodbye...for now ~Going h ome...   The best place in the world~ Until then... Jessie

A Few Things

These next few months are going to be interesting... In 11 days we find out if we're having a boy or a girl!  Everyone is SOOOOOO excited!!! My husband's company has gone live in Canada, so he will be there most of February and March. =(  I'm excited for him though.  He had never been to Canada before and now he will get to tour the country end to end.  Thankfully, we survived the first week of him being gone and we will have him home for a bit before he leaves again. Friday afternoon we received the news that my his grandfather had passed away.  So, tomorrow morning we will head on out to South Dakota for the funeral.  Please pray for our safe travel, for my husband and the rest of his family during this time.  My mom will be staying at our house with the kids so please keep her in your prayers too. Until then... Jessie