A few years ago, I posted the recipe we used to make our own laundry soap. It was inexpensive, easy to make and worked well. Since that time I've found a recipe I like much better. It's still inexpensive, easier to make, store, and seems to do a better job getting rid of those...ummm...boy smells. In the last few weeks a number of requests have been made for the new recipe. So, here it is. Oh, by the way, this can be used in a high efficiency washer (at least we've had no problems). It works best if you sprinkle it inside the tub (on the clothes) instead of adding it to the soap dispenser. 1 Box Borax (4lbs. 12oz) 1 Box Washing Soda (3lbs. 7oz ) 4 lbs. Baking Soda 3 Bars of Zote, Ivory, Castile, or Fels-Naptha soap; grated Mix well. Use 2 Tablespoons per load. In my area everything can be found at King Soopers or Walmart Hope you all enjoy! =) Until then... Jessie