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Showing posts from July, 2011

Ups and Downs

Cancer.  A word no one wants to hear...not even the possibility of it's existence.  Yet, that was my reality two weeks ago.  I know nothing for sure yet.  Tomorrow I go in for an ultrasound, blood work and then a biopsy soon after.  I would so appreciate your prayers. On the upside - Me and my hubby just celebrated our 17th anniversary!  Honestly, most of the day was spent working on the kitchen but we are going out next weekend to celebrate.  The kitchen remodel is going well.  I now have a floor, counter, cooktop and sink.  My sweetie has been working soooo hard - and as usual he has done an amazing job! The bunnies are adorable.  They have fur now and are looking more and more like a rabbit each day.  I can't wait till they open their eyes. Our goat herd is rapidly decreasing.  This weekend we sold Sally and Sabrina and next weekend Oreo and Fudge will be going to their new home.  It was difficult to get rid of  Sabrina...she was the sweetest thing and our favorite mam

Make Him Smile you're weary.  You wonder if anything matters...nothing seems to be going right and you feel like giving up...don't.  Keep running your race.   Until then... Jessie

It''s About Time

I know... it's been forever since my last post but things 'round here have been a bit chaotic.  The kitchen remodel is coming along and hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to post before and after pics - but for now my house is torn up. On another note, who knew that waiting for a pregnant rabbit could be soooo stressful.  Four days past her due date and nothing...until... this morning!  Underneath all that hay and fur slept 5 little bunnies.  Of course, Audrey was the first to find them and woke up EVERYONE with her screams of joy.  Ally says they're ugly...Audrey wants to kiss them...Jonah and Aaron are thrilled...Josh went back to bed...and I'm just glad they are here and mama is doing well.   Velma  Four of them look like this Only one black one   Until then... Jessie