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Ups and Downs

Cancer.  A word no one wants to hear...not even the possibility of it's existence.  Yet, that was my reality two weeks ago.  I know nothing for sure yet.  Tomorrow I go in for an ultrasound, blood work and then a biopsy soon after.  I would so appreciate your prayers.

On the upside - Me and my hubby just celebrated our 17th anniversary!  Honestly, most of the day was spent working on the kitchen but we are going out next weekend to celebrate.  The kitchen remodel is going well.  I now have a floor, counter, cooktop and sink.  My sweetie has been working soooo hard - and as usual he has done an amazing job!

The bunnies are adorable.  They have fur now and are looking more and more like a rabbit each day.  I can't wait till they open their eyes.

Our goat herd is rapidly decreasing.  This weekend we sold Sally and Sabrina and next weekend Oreo and Fudge will be going to their new home.  It was difficult to get rid of  Sabrina...she was the sweetest thing and our favorite mama.  But after getting caught up in her horns one day and Audrey almost getting hit in the face with them (all by accident) we decided we needed to find her a new home and keep two of the babies that have been disbudded instead.

I've had a few new followers join me.  SO excited, but I can't see you.  Blogger has been having some technical issues with the follow button... I can see the number but no names or pics.  If you get a chance please leave me a comment so I know who you are.

Better go for now as I have a full day of trying to put my house somewhat back together (now that I can put some things back in the kitchen).  Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Until then... 


  1. I love the music I'm hearing on your blog site!

    Rest assured, dear friend, that I will be praying!! I've thought many times since Weds. about your "thought closet" and pray that it remains full of truth!! Please let me know how you're doing in these next days!

    Love you gal!!

    Karla :-)

  2. I am praying so much... may God wrap you in peace and comfort that only He can give.. your blog always warms my heart.. thank you for everything.


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