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Showing posts from December, 2011

Merry Christmas

Christmas would have no meaning...without Easter WISHING YOU ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Until then... Jessie 


Almost 14 years have passed, but the calendar is still marked for today - his birthday.  I was twenty-one when the angels took him.  It's been more than a decade, yet that moment of time seems frozen.  Pain that is healed, pain that is raw reside together within my heart; memories that seem like yesterday and memories that seem a lifetime ago.  Still every year, there on my calendar, marks the day of his birth.  His birth, his life, is what I celebrate.  Born in the season of miracles, yet his death taught me great lessons that I don't want to forget. His title: Grandfather.  However, the empty room he filled was the one reserved for my daddy.  From the very moment of my being we were inseparable.  He was my constant.  My security.  My protector.  My world.  I was his joy.  The apple of his eye.  His life.  Never did I doubt his love for me.  Never did I doubt his love for Jesus or other people.  The kindest man I've ever known.  I witnessed his forgiveness as a  child...

Heavenly Songs

On a snowy December eve, we journey across town, me and this firstborn of mine. We climb the steep stone of this church stamped 1912.  Once inside, the view is breathtaking.  Hand-carved mahogany pews line the sides.  Flashing headlights dance through the panes of arched stained glass.  Hand-formed faces pier down at me, from atop the mighty columns.  In awe of the architectural beauty that surrounds, I can't help but wonder how many prints have touched this stone?  The memories these walls contain...memories of joy and laughter...pain and sorrow...moments when hearts were touched by the divine...and moments when humanity fell upon their faces in light of Him. A college paper is the reason we've come.  My son, frantically taking notes.  I hear it - Heaven speaking.  Quickly whisking the notepad from his lap, I scribble out this post.  A reserved Greek woman steps upon the platform.  Her stature small, yet she commands the attention of all. The atmosphere grand: musician

Quack Quack

I did say I wanted duck for Christmas dinner...not quite what I had in mind... Luella and Ethel I present our newest additions.  Yes, they are sitting on my leather sofa!  The kids and my hubby thought they would enjoy it.  I was not as eager to accommodate...all I can say is... THANK GOODNESS it's leather.  I wasn't completely heartless, after their bath, I did allow them to stay in the house until they dried out and warmed up a bit.  However, by the end of the evening, I made sure they were in the barn snuggled up with the goats.  If it had been left to the kids, I would have been sharing my bed with these two quackers! =) They are incredibly sweet and we already got our first egg! Hope your day is blessed! Until then... Jessie