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Showing posts from August, 2012


THANK YOU for all your prayers!!! Sammy, made it through surgery and seems to be doing well!!!  Please continue to pray for her recovery.   Here is an update from Kim: "Sammy is awake this morning, with a beautiful smile that is lighting up my day..YES I'm still crying with relief, and great joy in my heart, my baby girl is a fighter and of course we say it's the GERMAN in her..she is slow today but she is doing what the doctors are asking her to do...The first thing she asked for when she woke up was her daddy...and apple juice..she is being transferred from ICU to the oncology floor, with a MRI later today to see if they got all the tumor, but she is doing great, OUR GOD IS SO GOOD...I will keep you posted on her progress, Jack and I thank you all for your prayers, hugs, and the laughter we shared in the waiting room, I do not know how I could of made it through yesterday without all of you..I'm sending hugs to you."  Until then

My Precious Girl

At times, life just feels hard.  There are days I just want to give up!  When that happens I need to remember....remember to not look at the storm that surrounds or give into my feelings rather remember His promises.  Hold onto truth.  God uses many things to remind me of this... but it cuts clean through when He's chosen my child to break my hardened heart. I didn't expect to read this on her page when I opened FB today but it's the truth my heart needed to hear.  Perhaps it's what you need too. Ally, THANK YOU for being so in love with Jesus and so patient with me.  I love you!!! A year ago today, I became a follower of Christ. Everything in my life has changed from that point. The band Worth Dying For says it far better than I can: I'm a part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have Holy Spirit power. I've stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I'm a disciple of His. I won't look back, let up, sl

She Needs Your Prayers

A bit ago I ask you to pray for our friends Jack and Kim you can read about it here when there is not answer to why Sammy, has not been doing well, so they have moved the surgery up to this Wednesday August 29th at 11:30 am.   Please keep her, her family and the doctors in your prayers.  And please share this prayer request with your friends and churches...the more people praying the better. Until then... Jessie

Intentional Threads

The house was silent, as the souls that lie therein remained in peaceful slumber.  Curling into the deep seat of the wooden rocker I pulled the tattered quilt around my frame, as if it were a mother's embrace.  Slowly, the tears began to fall.  My heart...a mother's heart... had been ripped wide.  Nothing remained but emptiness.  As much as I attempted to bury the pain...deny it's existence...I could not. Upon the wooden boards the steady creaking of the rocker hums a lullaby.  I sink deep into the memories as I unfold the rows laid across my lap.  Rows of stitching.  Uneven.  Yet each thread intentional, woven with love.  I take another look.  Over time the quilt has lost it's's firmness.  No longer a perfect square, rather a bit stretched...soft...comforting.  The bright hues that once adorned have long since faded.  Many nights of wrapping sick children...being scrubbed clean upon the washboard and hung in the heat have taken its toll. This patchwo

When there is no answer to why

Sometimes... life just weighs heavy.  Today, our friends received some devastating news.  They have graciously allowed me to share a bit of their story so we can get as many people praying as possible.  Almost 9 years ago Kim and Jack lost their little boy Jonathan to a brain tumor.  He was such a light to all who knew him.  It's been a rough journey for them...still they hold onto God ...and their faith has amazed me at times. Two years ago they received the news that their little girl Sammy was suffering with the same illness.  For the last few years her brain tumor has been stable.  However, today's MRI confirmed that the tumor has grown, and if she doesn't  have it removed she'll become very ill and die.  Surgery is the only option but it comes with great risk.  As you can imagine Jack, Kim, their son, 2 older daughters along with Sammy are feeling every emotion possible.  PLEASE keep this family in your prayers that God would give them strength, comfort and pea

Rip Out Those Nasty Roots

A farmer knows prior to his vision of a bountiful harvest or the planting of seed, he must first tend to the soil.   It must be rich and nourishing to produce and even after the seeds have been planted the toiling process continues.  First the earth must be tilled, removing any roots and breaking up the hardened clumps until it has become soft and pliable.  Then the Gardener must nourish the seeds with rich food and provide a protective covering to guard from the harsh winds and beating rays that are sure to visit. At times the plant may require pruning.  This process is harsh...the plant may be ugly for a time... but it always grows back with more strength..more fruit. Most of all, the Gardener must have patience.  In the end, if all this has been done correctly, he will be blessed as he watches his crop become more abundant. I love gardening and every year the kids and I spend several weeks carefully planning every detail.  However, I knew this summer would be unusually b

Chicken or Not???

To one degree or another I'm sure you have all heard or been involved in the Chick-fil-a controversy.  Personally, I've read many articles, FB statuses, and blog posts all with differing opinions.  Some I found to be well thought out while others were filled with hate. After sifting through many statements on the matter, one comment in particular caught my attention.  The remark was made that Christians were lined up outside the doors on Chick-fil-a appreciation day to show their support.  His question - why do they come in the masses to say what they are against but you never see them lined up like that outside a homeless shelter to help those in need. Hmmmm He's right... He's right! This is the view the world has of Christians and there is something terribly wrong with that.  I wonder if we went about doing good, loving one another, and loving others...actually being the hands and feet of Christ...what impact would we have on the unbelieving then? I know