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When there is no answer to why

Sometimes... life just weighs heavy.  Today, our friends received some devastating news.  They have graciously allowed me to share a bit of their story so we can get as many people praying as possible.  Almost 9 years ago Kim and Jack lost their little boy Jonathan to a brain tumor.  He was such a light to all who knew him.  It's been a rough journey for them...still they hold onto God ...and their faith has amazed me at times.

Two years ago they received the news that their little girl Sammy was suffering with the same illness.  For the last few years her brain tumor has been stable.  However, today's MRI confirmed that the tumor has grown, and if she doesn't  have it removed she'll become very ill and die.  Surgery is the only option but it comes with great risk.  As you can imagine Jack, Kim, their son, 2 older daughters along with Sammy are feeling every emotion possible.  PLEASE keep this family in your prayers that God would give them strength, comfort and peace and for the doctors to have wisdom.

Everyday we are blessed with so much and yet we complain...this is what my friend wrote and I think it's a great reminder to us all.

"For those of you that have kids and are blessed to have healthy ones , kiss them and hug them everyday, you never know just how blessed you are." ~Kim~

If you would like to leave a comment for the family, please do so and I'll pass it on.  I know any words of encouragement and love would be a blessing to them.



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