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Showing posts from September, 2013

Six Favorites

I've stretched my arms to receive that freshly born babe, 6 times over now.  One may think it would become routine, but the miracle of new life always overwhelms.  Even with 6 - each one is your favorite.  Each one is what makes everyday worth waking.  Each one can... and probably will... shred your heart.  Only God knows how a mothers' heart can rejoice as one takes their first breath...while at the same moment...lament over the one who's stumbling through the darkness. Weeks ago our bouncy baby arrived.  As I gazed into those deep blues I remembered staring into the eyes of my first.  He's 19 now, but he's still my baby.  I remember the dreams I had of me being the perfect mother.  Him...them...being the perfect children.  Then - then I failed more times than I can count.  I've learned there are no perfect mothers...least of all me.  No perfect children.  Just a mess of broken people.  Living each day doing the best we know how.  Hopefully, learning to do

Our Handsome Little Man

One month of pure joy!!! =) Until then... Jessie