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Showing posts from March, 2015

Life Notes

We pile in the beast and journey across town.  He's dressed in his Sunday best with hair that wouldn't move in the strongest of storms.  It's the first recital of his fourteen years.  He hasn't been playing all that long and the nerves have hit just a bit. Families crowd into seats.  Students of all ages sit a bit green waiting for their moment. Everyone turns as her wedged shoes clunk down the middle isle.  Taking her place she lays her hands to the ivory and begins to fluently roll out the notes.  Suddenly, fear begins to rise.  Her cheeks flush and her hands begin to shake.  The lack of focus fumbles her appendages onto the wrong keys.  Flustered she tries to find her way back.  Still visibly shaking she takes a breath and resumes her way to the melody once again. He's next - that handsome red-head of ours.  Surprisingly composed, he takes his place and with bow in hand tickles the strings in time to the piano.  Still a bit nervous, he wipes the sweat from

The Smallest Gift

I tiptoe across the wooden planks hoping the creaks won't wake him.  The house sits still.  This is where I find peace.  Here in the this sharp black my mind slows and the chaos finds it's place.  This is when I usually write, but tonight I have nothing.  So I sit.  Still.  It doesn't come easy for me.  Vulnerable.  Exposed - is how it makes me feel.  I don't know why God has woken me.  I reminisce about the miracle of that one who sleeps curled within his crib.  The one I tried not to wake on my quest to this quiet place.  The one who makes me roar with laughter.  The one who healed wounds I didn't know existed. Then I think of the one I lost a few months ago. I hang the letters of their name on the wall. Hope. I don't want to forget their life. Even if it was short. Waiting is not something I do well.  Yet, I find myself in the season of waiting.  Advent.  The first Sunday means HOPE.  It came on a day that was a miracle for

When I Want To Give Up

It's when everything crashes hard...I'm broken...then there it is... just another shard to cut clean through.  Weary.  Afraid.  Angry.  That - that's when I need to praise most.  I don't always want to. Really. I. do. not. want. to. Still, I know it's in those uncomfortable, unpolished, raw, unholy moments...or maybe they're the most holy of all?  That's when I need to frame how I see.  Pour out my heart to the one who made me. Not just spill with lament but with thanksgiving.  I need to remember the unwavering, faithful, loving God who holds everything. Everything. Even me. Curled within the knitted threads...snow blankets the barren trees and the dark tries to smother. Turning from it's bitter invitation I choose to see. Light overcomes the darkness and joy fills my heart again. Mornings of laughter and breakfast dates with that tall one who calls me mom Furry popcorn Seizures - life is fragile...I must love well...slow...remember now T