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Showing posts from December, 2010

I Need A Silent Night

I've made the same mistake before Too many malls, too many stores December traffic  Christmas rush It breaks me till I push and shove Children are crying While mother's are trying To photograph Santa and sleigh The shopping and buying and standing forever in line What can I say? I need a silent night A holy night To hear an angel voice Through the chaos and the noise I need a midnight clear A little peace right here To end this crazy day With a silent night December comes, then disappears Faster and faster every year  Did my own mother keep this pace Or was the world a different place? Where people stayed home wishing for snow  Watching three channels on their TV Look at us now rushin' around Tryin' to buy Christmas peace I need a silent night A holy night To hear an angel voice Through the chaos and the noise I need a midnight clear A little peace right here To end this crazy day With a silent night What was it like back there in Bethlehem W

O Christmas Tree...O Christmas Tree Part II

Welcome back!   I hope y'all are having a blast preparing for Christmas.  It can be hard work to get everything done.  Exhausting in fact.  I'm sure you've earned some relaxation time.  So, grab something warm to drink, prop up your feet for a moment and enjoy some time for yourself.  I hope you'll be inspired by what I've done and be challenged to unleash your imagination too. Jessie's Christmas Tour Part II Guests are greeted by an antique sled adorned with boughs and an adorable coat that my sons wore as toddlers. In years past, I've decorated in an elegant fashion.  I love the grandeur and opulence.  However, this year I decided to go with a more down home natural look and I absolutely love it! A simple way to display Christmas cards.   My mother gave me this nativity a few years ago.  It was handed down from my great aunt.   I miss her SO much.  Pulling this out each year makes me feel as though she is still with me.  It also reminds

O Christmas Tree...O Christmas Tree...

It's official!  The Christmas season is in full swing at my house!  I am thrilled!  I've been bustin' at the seams to let my creative juices flow and sprinkle some cheer into every nook and cranny of my home.  My passionate desire actually started the week before Thanksgiving, but we have a rule in our home...we make sure to stop and enjoy each  season and holiday (without giving into the temptation to get ahead of ourselves).  However, after the Thanksgiving feast is complete the Christmas decor is pulled from the attic and a way we go.  It makes my heart happy! My home has been finished for a bit now but I haven't had the time to show you what I've done.  I've been busy with parties, shopping and so forth...I like to plan all those events the first few weeks of December and leave the last couple of weeks to spend with family/friends. Come on in for the first part of Jessie's Christmas Tour     At our house it just doesn't feel like Christma

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!!

Deck the halls with boughs of holly, FA la la la la, la la la la seems to be the chosen  Christmas song of  my sassy five year old.  Over and over...from the moment her tiny feet hit the floor in the morning... until she is snug in her bed...I love to hear her sweet voice sing with joy!  And I must admit, her passion for Christmas does come from me.  LOVE.  LOVE.  LOVE this time of year!  Autumn is my favorite season, but Christmas is most definitely my favorite holiday.  I drive my family to the brink of insanity!  In fact, I have been banned from playing Christmas music until Fall has officially arrived.  I have been known to commence holiday cheer in mid June.  My husband and children were less than enthusiastic about my gleeful spirit.  But I can't imagine why?     Christmas is the best!    Anyway, I thought I would share a few things I enjoy this time of year. A few of my favorite things Decorating the tree with special ornaments that we have collected through the years