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Poo Be Gone!

Ahhh, I just love waking from a good dream don't you?  There I was..Barefoot.  Frolicking through the rolling green hills.  Filling my lungs with the crisp, fresh air as rays of sunlight beat against my cheek.  Peaceful.  Content.  What a wonderful dream.

The tone had been set for a delightful morning.  Upon rising I threw on my robe, slippers and grabbed a Carmel cappuccino.  Making my way to the back porch (where I like to spend time in the mornings) all felt right with the world.  The sun was shining bright.  It was quiet in the neighborhood.  With eyes closed I focused upon all that I had been blessed with and inhaled deeply hoping to breath in the clean, crisp air of my dream.  Only to be slapped into reality by the distinct odor of fresh goat droppings.  YUK!  Poo.  Poo.  Everywhere I look there is poo.  Chicken poo.  Goat poo.  Dog, cat, rabbit and bird poo.  I live in the land of poo!  Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but still...

Enough is enough!  I put my foot down and declared that we would become a poo free household.  Yep, that's right.  Shampoo free...that is.  My children have been doing it for about three months now and I just started (I had some shampoo I needed to finish up).  My may be easier for me to try and be rid of animal poo before I convince him to get rid of his shampoo.  Smile. 

I know, some of you may be thinking I have totally flipped my lid, but I promise I am no crazier than usual.  After finding out years ago how dangerous and toxic shampoo was I have been wanting to change to something natural.  The natural products I found in health food stores and on line where all too expensive to fit into our budget, so I put the idea on the shelf.  Recently I ran across some information on the Internet about using natural shampoos.  I was so excited!  I quickly wrote down the basic ingredients and played with the mixture until I got it right for my family.

Here is the standard recipe we use:  (If you have oily hair you may need to add a bit more Baking Soda and use less of the Apple Cider Vinegar).

For the Shampoo:

3 Tablespoon Baking Soda (The cheapest way is to buy in bulk at Sam's)
1 cup warm water
Mix.  Shake well to dissolve.  Wet hair and work solution into scalp working through to the ends of hair.  Keep most of your focus on the scalp (which is the dirty part)  leave in for a few minutes and rinse through with warm water.

For the Conditioner:

1Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1cup warm water
Mix.  Shake well.  Add a small amount and work through hair.  Leave in for a few minutes and rinse with cold (as cold as you can stand) water.

Your hair will need at least a week to adjust, so give it a few weeks before deciding if it's right for you.  It's so easy and quick to make.  Very inexpensive.  All natural.  And will leave your hair clean, healthy and shiny.

Hope you join me on ridding yourself and your loved ones of dangerous toxins.

Until then...


  1. After seeing your hair last week, I would definitely recommend it. You looked beautiful.

  2. Hey Jess! You can always bring a smile to my face when you write, you seem to be able to paint such a fun picture. We too have become a shampoo free household. Several months ago my mom sent me a frightening yet eye opening article on shampoo ingredients and their harmful effects. We have been using homemade soap in our hair but will have to try out your shampoo recipe. Thanks for always sharing such great tips with all of us. Love you much. ~Jen


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