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Sucked In

Before I began I knew it would be a mistake!  I was not doing well.  I had been sick - thanks to my sassy five year old who had lovingly shared her germs with me the day before.  Aching from head to toe, I felt awful.  But Ally (my oldest daughter) had been asking for my help and I had not had the time.  Now I did.  So, I went ahead against my better judgment...

The agenda?  Green hair.  Now anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I have dyed my hair just about every color imaginable.  To me - hair is an accessory like makeup or jewelry.  It's fun to change and play with.  Needless to say, I am well acquainted with coloring products.  But for some reason (I'll blame it on my cold) my thoughts were a bit cloudy this time. 

I began to lay out all my materials.  Comb.  Foil.  Green hair dye.  Latex gloves.  Uh oh...I only had one glove.  A moment of hesitation...then quickly dismissed.  "No big deal I got this." I thought to myself.  The truth was, it was late on a Saturday night with many things left to do and I just wanted to get it over with.  Immediately that funny feeling came about.  You know, the one that says your gonna be in trouble.  Did I listen?  No.  I just kept going.  With hair in hand I grabbed the bottle of green and squeezed.  Quickly realizing I needed two hands to finish.  Preferably two hands with gloves!  In way over my head..there was nothing left to do but use my ungloved hand that soon turned a curious shade of green.  The dye penetrated my skin, leaving my hand stained.  I'm not kidding when I say I looked like Oscar the Grouch.  Yikes!

As I was driving home today, I was thinking of a particular conversation (about flirting with sin) I had with my children a few days before, and the experience of my eventful weekend came to mind.  It's never wise to flirt with sin.  We always end up in a place we never intended to be.  Yet from time to time we all do it.  Sometimes we do it because of impatience.  We want.. what we want.. now.  Maybe we feel  pressured.  Perhaps we are worn down and have forgotten to put on the FULL armour of God.  Many times it just looks fun.  Whatever the reason we all fall into this trap and then we have an experience kind of like my green hand.  I thought I could handle it.  It wasn't like I was dyeing her whole head green.  No.  Just a few stripes in the front.  That's not anything big.  However, as I got deeper and deeper into the situation I found myself sucked in like I had fallen into a pool of quick sand.  That is always what sin does..we reach out carelessly and before we know what has happened we have been sucked into a pit.  It penetrates our hearts and leaves them stained.  Unlike my hand that did return to normal coloration (after using an  abundance of Lava soap and soaking in a bath of alcohol) the stains on our heart are washed away with forgiveness but sometimes, most of the time, the consequences linger.  What I was reminded the next time I try to reason why it's OK to flirt with sin I need to remember there is no such thing as a 'little' sin.  It will always be destructive and take me where I don't want to be.  To think otherwise would be foolish!  And - I will never dye anyone's hair again without two gloves!

Until then...


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