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Dinner Time

Where's my dinner!  He demanded.  No, not my husband.  My piggy!

Apparently pigs like a strict schedule or at least my pig does.  He wants to eat at precisely 5:30am and 5:30pm.  Well...the other day Jonah was one hour.  Oh my word.  You haven't seen anything until you've seen an angry pig!  Boss decided when we brought his dinner he was goin' to give us a piece of his mind.  On a mission for revenge...he strategically placed his food bowl at the door of his house.  That way he would be woken up when we grabbed it and he could scold away.

Thankfully, I had warned the kids about how territorial pigs are and told them never to get between a pig and his grub.  Jonah wasn't about to stick his hand right in front of that porkers face to grab the bowl.  His plan was to pull it away with a rake.  Smart kid.  The minute the bowl moved Boss Hogg was awake. Squealing and gruntin'...scolding Jonah...chasin' him on top of the dog house.  Naughty pig!  Of course, if I had been out there, I would have put him in his place (y'all know you grab a pigs snout when he's acting like a brat) but Jonah was a bit intimidated with good reason. 

Hours later Boss was still huffin' and puffin'.  Pacing back and forth.  As we ate our dinner he even threw a few snorts our way...just in case we had missed the memo of how angry he was.  My goodness!  It's like dealing with a bratty 3 year old.  We most definitely have some entitlement issues to work through.  It wasn't until Jonah apologized to the pig.  Yes, you heard that right.  He apologized to Boss!  I'm not lying, the minute that pig got an apology he waddled over to have his head scratched.  That's just wrong on EVERY level!!!  I love Boss but I'm not sure if he will ever squeeze an apology out of me.  I have every intention of keeping my position as the head of the pecking order 'round here.  We may have a scary standoff one day.  I have a bit of sass...I think I could take that pig down! 

Anyway, I don't think that Jonah will be late with dinner again...  

Until then...


  1. Oh my goodness, that is crazy funny! How long have you had a pig? We are so coming over for a field trip soon, maybe next week? But Ryan will want to come, too...

  2. That is funny! You have a great way with telling stories. Thanks for some much needed humor today.

  3. I would offer no apologies either...but Boss would find out in short order who really WAS the BOSS. We would have a hand to nose talk. I would explain in detail all about dinner and how it he needed to show patience, or next time he wouldn't have to worry about dinner...he would BE dinner! :) Maybe an object lesson with a a receipe card, showing roast pork Hawaian style?! LOL

  4. I LOVE Anita's comment! I SO needed to laugh today...thanks Jess and Anita!


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