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Wow.  It has been a VERY exciting morning!!!  A huge smile spread across my face as I cracked open the barn door and three new babies peeked out to greet me.  Triplets.  Soooo sweet!!  Oh.. baby goats have just stolen my heart... everything about them is pure cuteness.  My stress level has decreased tremendously now that they're all here safely, and Sally is doing great.  We now have 5 babies (4 girls and 1 boy) and two very proud mamas!  Well...three if you count me... 

Sally and her kids



 Unfortunately, I couldn't spend much time playing with our new additions.  We had an appointment with the  vet so we piled in the car and headed off.  The first round of baby goats needed to be dibudded (have their horns removed) and have the first round of vaccines.  Our trip was not a pleasant experience for me or my poor little goats.  Although the vet was knowledgeable and kind... I really don't like the disbudding process.  Those poor little babies screamed and I almost started bawling.  Not sure I have the stomach to do that again with the other three.  I've read a lot and heard that having them disbudded is the best choice, but if any of my readers have owned goats can you please let me know your thoughts on it.  The vaccines were no big deal.  I'll be administering those from now on.  I just wanted to see it done first.  The vet charges $6/ goat then another $6/ goat for their booster shots in two weeks.  I'll be able to vaccinate all 5 babies myself with boosters for $2/goat.  That's a savings of $10/goat - good deal.

The other two babies are resting after all the trauma they endured.  I'll post new pictures of them soon.  Right now they look kinda ugly due to the disbudding.  We finally did decide on their names.. Bella and Fred.

Times are fun!  Seems like each day we welcome someone new.  Having baby chicks and goats run all over has been very entertaining.  It's amazing the personalities they all have.  Animals always bring so much joy and laughter.

Gotta go for now.  Hope you all have a blessed day!

Until then...


  1. Congratulations on the 3 new additions! We had goats growing up and my mom always got them dibudded. One time we got an older kid and she wasn't dibudded and caused some damage to the shed and would constantly butt the other goats. We eventually got her dibudded also but it was more difficult since her horns had come in. If I had goats, I would get it done.

  2. Hey Jessie! Wow! Lots going on on your farm!!! Fun days! We cannot wait to meet all the new additions. We love all the names you've given the animals. Glad you're having such a wonderful week. Much love. I've missed having our normal time together this week but it's been a crazy one here. See ya soon darlin'. Hugs.

  3. They are so sweet & cute. Why do they take out the buds? :(

  4. Thanks Joanna! Your comment made me feel better about the process.

    Angela, dibudding is recommended because they can damage property and fight like Joanna said. They can also injure themselves by getting their horns caught in fences and other things. The two mamas we have - both have horns. They're very gentle, have never damaged anything or fought. They do send the chickens flying sometimes especially if the stupid chicken is trying to take their food. My biggest concern is they can hurt people - even if they don't mean to. Sally got stuck the other day - so I was helping her out and the horns clipped my hand. It really didn't feel good and with small kids around it worries me. Still don't like the dibudding though... =( They don't actually take the buds out they burn them off with a hot iron.

    Jenn, I missed getting together this week too. We need to plan something for next week...I'll email you.

    Hope y'all have a wonderful evening! =)

  5. They are sooo cute! Love the white one! The names you chose are perfect also. Tell Jonah I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to him longer...I was in a meeting. Can't wait to see them all. It will be hard to choose which ones to keep and which ones to sell...they're all so precious!

  6. So tiny and so sweet. When I was a wee lass my family had a goat...she used to come in and sit with us on the couch when she too was a wee lass. We called her Heidi...she was a miniature Alpine.

    Nice to meet you.
    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted


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