It was one of THOSE days! ...Dirty laundry spilling out of baskets...breakfast dishes piled high...stacks of school papers waiting to be graded...while muddy dogs ran through the house and a certain little girl - just as muddy - ran after them... It was only noon and I was done! Some days I am completely overwhelmed. I wonder if any of you feel that way? I wish my house would stay clean for more than a second but I have surrendered to reality. Besides, there are much more important matters to tend to. As the day rolled on, so did the chaos. Making my way to our room, exhausted and doubting everything about my mothering skills I found a precious gift on the mirror. My heart smiled big. I just wanted to scoop up that sassy little mess and hold her forever. Of course, she used my favorite lipstick to write her note...I didn't care. Her name is backwards and her hearts ...