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Showing posts from May, 2011

Lipstick Gifts

It was one of THOSE days! ...Dirty laundry spilling out of baskets...breakfast dishes piled high...stacks of school papers waiting to be graded...while muddy dogs ran through the house and a certain little girl - just as muddy - ran after them... It was only noon and I was done!  Some days I am completely overwhelmed.  I wonder if any of you feel that way?  I wish my house would stay clean for more than a second but I have surrendered to reality.  Besides, there are much more important matters to tend to. As the day rolled on, so did the chaos.  Making my way to our room, exhausted and doubting everything about my mothering skills I found a precious gift on the mirror. My heart smiled big.  I just wanted to scoop up that sassy little mess and hold her forever.  Of course, she used my favorite lipstick to write her note...I didn't care.  Her name is backwards and her hearts are not drawn perfectly but perfection didn't matter only her love will be remembered.  I forget

Can You Help Me, Please!

Hey everyone!  I hope you have a wonderful, loooong weekend!  We are doing a yard sale here and it is so nice to purge unnecessary items and reclaim some space.  I can't even tell you how awesome it feels.  I would love to hear what all you have planned... I don't have much to say tonight but I was hoping that you would do me a favor.  I have an assignment due in a week that I need your help on - I am supposed to take a survey with only one question to be answered: What is your biggest struggle in life?   What hurts your heart in the still of the night?  I need raw, honest answers.  I know this can be difficult so rather than asking people in person I thought it might be better to ask here.  This is what I would like for you to do:  You are always welcome to call me if you would like to share with me personally and I can pray for you and you can pray for me.  You can send me a personal email that will be kept confidential. Or if both those options feel uncomfortable you can

The Nameless Woman

Curled beneath a heavy, woolen blanket, her flesh pressed hard against the cool wall; listening to the drops fall against the pane, she inhales as much as her frail lungs will allow, savoring the sweet aroma.  Clinching the blanket tighter against her chest... she remembers...remembers days gone by.  Dark clouds hover with sadness.  Foreboding spirits take residence within.  As tears fall from the heavens... tears fall from her pale, worn face...saturating the blanket wrapped around her corpse like frame.  "Does He see me?"  She wonders.  Fear and doubt rage within her soul.  Skin covered bone slowly reaches for the cup of tea by her side.  I wince as she presses it to her lips; such agony.  How long must she suffer?  With eyes tightly clinched - engulfed in this torment - hope seems lost.  Then she hears...birds chirping their praises to her Savior.  An empty heart begins to flutter as she lifts her voice to join the sparrow choir.  Reaching out for hope she creaks open the

Grace in the Black

Deep in the night, I was awakened by her desperate pleas for help.  Before my eyes could open her furnace filled hands grabbed hold of my arm, shaking me with urgency.  "Mommy wake up!  Something is wrong, I can't open my eyes.  Help me!  Please, help me!"  Fear and desperation trembled through her raspy voice.  Eyes matted shut.  This had never happened before.  Leading her to the edge of the tub she sat patiently... waiting for my help.  A cool, damp cloth caressed her face.  Slowly wiping away the scales that kept her eyes from opening and the fever that burned inside.  In time, it began to wipe away the fear and worry displayed.  Holding her chin within my palm..I shook my head... my heart was troubled.  Why did she fear so?  Why was she so uncertain?  Didn't she know I would help her...always.  Huge hazel eyes once again could see, no longer blinded by her circumstance.  Peace was restored to her troubled spirit.  Hugs and kisses spilled out as my hand swept the

Gifts from the Heart

A peculiar pair these two... The door burst open with excitement, as tiny feet ran into the house screeching to a halt before crossing the kitchen threshold.  Calmly walking toward me with hands behind back...I knew something was up.  With outstretched hands and loving hearts I was given a simple bouquet. The boy - crowned with soft, fine strands of crimson gently woven through threads of gold.  Fair skinned with specks of brown sugar splattered about his face.  Penetrating blue eyes mysterious and sincere.  He captivates me with his wit, brilliance and charm.  Never still...not even for a moment.  A soul filled with wonder and curiosity - life becomes an unending adventure.  Where there is mischief he is sure to be it's source.  Laughter erupts as water balloons fall from his fingertips bursting upon my back as I mop the floor below.  His mind ever moving, thinking and loving. The girl - tiny in frame.  Her adorable feet clack about in her 'dress up' shoes, w

Our Promise

What God Has Promised God has not promised Skies always blue, Flower-strewn pathways All our lives thro’; God has not promised Sun without rain, Joy without sorrow, Peace without pain. God has not promised We shall not know Toil and temptation, Trouble and woe; He has not told us We shall not bear Many a burden, Many a care. But God has promised Strength for the day, Rest for the laborer, Light for the way, Grace for the trials, Help from above, Unfailing sympathy, Undying love.  - Annie Johnson Flint - Until then... Jessie 

Hatred Was Slain...Hatred Arose...

Osama Bin Laden is dead.  News we have anxiously awaited for has now become reality.  To my surprise I was overwhelmed with conflicting emotions.  On one hand I was relieved that the man who had threatened the future of my children, the lives of my family, friends and fellow countrymen was no longer in existence (Although I'm not naive enough to think that this event has wiped away terrorism).  I was thankful - that those who suffered the atrocities of 9/11 - finally had some justice and closure.  My heart broke again as I remembered that day when so many lives were stolen and many more were forever changed.  I had hope that those who have courageously and faithfully served in our military would be able to come home - reuniting with their families who have sacrificed much in order to protect my own.  I am grateful beyond words for their service.  As a country we have had victory in achieving one of our goals and for that I stand proud. My spirit also grieved in knowing that Bin