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Showing posts from April, 2012

Faith Family & Food

I hope y'all had a wonderful Easter celebration!  We did.  No company this year, just a quite family dinner.  A very special time. These five have stolen my heart. Once we arrived home from church it was time to get the food goin'.  My hubby was hungry! =)  So the kids and I rolled up our sleeves and headed to the kitchen to make a scrumptious meal.       ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Salad Spinach Salad with Shaved Parmesan Freshly Baked Sour Dough Main Course Rosemary Roasted Potatoes & Asparagus Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Shiitake Mushroom Sauce  Dessert Chocolate & Peanut Butter Mousse Cheesecake Espresso ~~~~~~~~~~~~ YUM!!! All recipes can be found in the taste of home April/May 2012 edition While the food was cookin' we finished up my favorite part...decorating!  The boys helped me with ALL the decor this year and I think they did a fabulous job.   Centerpiece for the coffee table Aaron built me this birdhouse for my birthday last year.  I just LOVE it!!!  Placed


Thinking about the reason He came... and the reason I'm still here.... Hope you all have a blessed Easter!!! Until then... Jessie 

Much Needed Color

Easter is right around the corner and it's time to make those plain white eggs into a creative masterpiece.  I love it!  Honestly, even when my kids leave I'll probably still be giddy about drawing on eggs with a crayon and dunkin' them into every color until they are the perfect shade. =) It's something we do every year, but I have often wondered what nasty things were hidden inside all of those color tablets.  After exploring the truth about artificial coloring I've decided I would like to keep my family away from it as much as I can.  I know it is near impossible to remove all harmful substances in the food they consume... but if I can... why would I choose not to?  This was an easy fix.  Now, instead of buying an egg coloring kit we hunt through our cupboards and make our own. There are many options, so experiment and most of all have fun!  I would post pictures but honestly we have some of the ugliest eggs ever this year.  My kids decided that each egg shou

Fuzzy Goodness

The sun was shining bright. Bees buzzin'. Birds busy with their young...and dreams of gardening danced through my head. Spring was here to stay...or so I thought. Then, I woke to snow.  Thankfully it only lasted for the day.  Still, I missed the warm happy days of Spring.   When I peeked out this morning and saw the gorgeous weather, I rushed out to take in as many rays as possible.  The joys of Spring are many but there are a few unwanted accompaniments.  Looking down, I was instantly reminded of those undesired visitors lurking within the blades of green.  You know, the ones that keep your lawn from looking like a rolling hill of velvet.  You guessed it, those pesky yellow 'flowers' that become love bouquets.  For years I have sprayed...dug...and screamed.  Still they always return.  I have decided to fight the battle no longer. So...we ate them.   Really.   Now, before you think I have totally gone bonkers you must understand that I come from a long li