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Showing posts from October, 2012

He Always Shows Up

Pulling the door closed, I had stepped out of the comforts of my home into the chilly night.  The journey ahead unclear.  I drove for what seemed an eternity still with many miles ahead.  The path was dark. The crescent shimmer suspended in the black, lit only a few steps before me.  Looking closer at the night light - I could see the outline of it's whole but it had been eclipsed in darkness...all but this one sliver.  There was one...many steps ahead...and one... many steps behind but in the middle of this stretch it was only me. Alone. I began to sing.  Sing out at the top of my lungs. Peace settled my heart. I understand this physical journey is parallel to my spiritual one.  This path He has ask me to walk has not been easy.  Unclear at times with only enough light for the next step. Sometimes not even that. Darkness. Pure darkness that required a step of faith. He always caught me. In Him I've become whole.  Yet, darkness tries to overshadow His light. 

Wake Up

I only have one hour.  I know this...only one hour of quiet while I wait for her ballet lesson to get over.  The blank page stares back at me with the same emptiness that has seized my mind.  In less than 48 hours I'll be speaking to a room full of teen girls.  Hurting girls.  My session: The lies we believe and the TRUTH of God.  I have nothing.  Nothing.  Not one word.  It's not that I don't understand the topic.  It's that I understand it all too well.  I've believed more of  Satan's lies than I would ever care to admit.  My mind is spinning.  I'm exhausted but most of all...I'm fearful. Fear of public speaking?  No.  I LOVE speaking and's what God has called me to do...I know this without any doubt.  The problem is I've allowed myself to be intimidated about teaching.  I know the words spoken were lies, still a few of those lies took up residence within my heart.  Now I'm scared.  Funny how God works - I'm speaking abo

Always Be Thankful

 Hey y'all!  This post is soooo late but I had a bit of trouble the last week of September.  I kinda.. almost.. passed out in the freezer section at the store.  My husband and kids insisted I go to the doctor the following day and sure enough, I was in trouble.  My blood pressure decided to go crazy on me.  I'm doing better now.  The EKG was normal, I can see, no more nose bleeds and my head doesn't feel like it's going to explode.   Thank you to all those who have been praying!  I'm on medication now and it's helping...but my pressure is still really high.  I'm still very dizzy and feeling out there so driving and standing are difficult sometimes. However, this weekend I'm supposed to be speaking at a youth conference in Colorado Springs.  I LOVE speaking to youth because they're usually more honest than adults and we can just get down to business.  I've been really excited about it for the last month...then all this happened with my health..