Hey there! I know it's been forever. Many of you have ask how I'm doing so I wanted to give a quick update. I really haven't dropped off the face of the earth but time does fly when your havin' fun! Our family had a wonderful holiday season but I have to admit I couldn't wait to start the new year. As soon as Christmas had passed I tore down the festive decor and began to declutter. I guess my nesting instincts have already kicked in. =) I've been going room to room organizing, deep cleaning and driving my family crazy. I figure by the time Spring blows in I'll be too big to climb ladders and such...so I better get my house in order now.
The nursery is coming along. At first, my hubby was going to move his office to Audrey's play house so we could use the spare room for a nursery. The space would have worked very well. However, Audrey still loves to play out there so I decided it would be best for her to share a room with the baby. I was in the middle of redecorating her room anyway. Thankfully she wants a theme that will go well for her age as well as a nursery.
This pregnancy has definitely been different than the others. I'm supposing my age has something to do with it? In many ways... I've been blessed. NO morning sickness! That part has been wonderful! Unfortunately, I have caught a lot of the illnesses that have floated around. Nothing major, but enough to make me feel crummy. Week 9 &10 were awful! I was severely depressed and filled with anxiety. Never had I felt that way before. I'm glad it's unwelcomed visit was short. I have been VERY tired, but that is to be expected keeping up with 5 other kids. Honestly, the hardest thing for me, was that I outgrew my jeans by week 12. Oh. My. Word. That was rough! Never had that happened before. We wondered if it may be twins. They do run in my family and I've been pregnant with them before...
Finally, I was able to go to my first prenatal appointment. I have a midwife this time. I also had a midwife with Audrey and I found my experience to be so much better than with a doctor. I was measuring double what I should be...now my midwife was wondering if it was twins. She recommended we have an ultrasound that week to find out. She tried and tried for what seemed like an eternity to find the heartbeat. Nothing. With each passing moment I became more anxious... as did she. So they wheeled in the ultrasound equipment to take a quick peek. Immediate relief. The heart was pounding strong. And it was confirmed: only one baby (we would have been thrilled to have two as well). My midwife patiently tried to get a few good pictures but that little peanut was tossing and flipping so quickly... she was unable to press the button fast enough. The pics are really poor but at least we had something to bring home to the expectant siblings. Thankfully Todd and I were able to see the ultrasound very clearly. Yes, I did start crying. I seem to cry a lot lately. One thing we know for sure - this baby has HUGE feet!
My official due date is July 19th. It changed by a few days but nothing significant. I usually go early anyway. In a few weeks I'll have another ultrasound and hopefully we will be able to distinguish the gender (Although I'm convinced I already know what it is. I've been right 5 out of 5 so I feel confident). Lots of names have been tossed around... but it was narrowed down quickly and I think we have finally decided. The big reveal coming soon!
Hope you all have a blessed day!
Until then...
The nursery is coming along. At first, my hubby was going to move his office to Audrey's play house so we could use the spare room for a nursery. The space would have worked very well. However, Audrey still loves to play out there so I decided it would be best for her to share a room with the baby. I was in the middle of redecorating her room anyway. Thankfully she wants a theme that will go well for her age as well as a nursery.
This pregnancy has definitely been different than the others. I'm supposing my age has something to do with it? In many ways... I've been blessed. NO morning sickness! That part has been wonderful! Unfortunately, I have caught a lot of the illnesses that have floated around. Nothing major, but enough to make me feel crummy. Week 9 &10 were awful! I was severely depressed and filled with anxiety. Never had I felt that way before. I'm glad it's unwelcomed visit was short. I have been VERY tired, but that is to be expected keeping up with 5 other kids. Honestly, the hardest thing for me, was that I outgrew my jeans by week 12. Oh. My. Word. That was rough! Never had that happened before. We wondered if it may be twins. They do run in my family and I've been pregnant with them before...
Finally, I was able to go to my first prenatal appointment. I have a midwife this time. I also had a midwife with Audrey and I found my experience to be so much better than with a doctor. I was measuring double what I should be...now my midwife was wondering if it was twins. She recommended we have an ultrasound that week to find out. She tried and tried for what seemed like an eternity to find the heartbeat. Nothing. With each passing moment I became more anxious... as did she. So they wheeled in the ultrasound equipment to take a quick peek. Immediate relief. The heart was pounding strong. And it was confirmed: only one baby (we would have been thrilled to have two as well). My midwife patiently tried to get a few good pictures but that little peanut was tossing and flipping so quickly... she was unable to press the button fast enough. The pics are really poor but at least we had something to bring home to the expectant siblings. Thankfully Todd and I were able to see the ultrasound very clearly. Yes, I did start crying. I seem to cry a lot lately. One thing we know for sure - this baby has HUGE feet!
My official due date is July 19th. It changed by a few days but nothing significant. I usually go early anyway. In a few weeks I'll have another ultrasound and hopefully we will be able to distinguish the gender (Although I'm convinced I already know what it is. I've been right 5 out of 5 so I feel confident). Lots of names have been tossed around... but it was narrowed down quickly and I think we have finally decided. The big reveal coming soon!
Hope you all have a blessed day!
Until then...
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