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Showing posts from May, 2013

Are You Serious???

It's funny how life can change things up so quickly. I'm a planner.  Anyone who knows me knows this.  So, when things suddenly change it throws me for a loop.  I've learned to adjust and adapt quickly... but for a few moments... it can be stressful!  That's what happened today.  I knew the day was going to be full.  Honestly, the last month has been full of appointments, washing and putting away baby clothes, painting the nursery, cooking freezer meals for my recovery time, grocery shopping for the next 3 months and getting the house in order to meet our new little one.  I'm exhausted.  Still, I have things that must be done.  We started off early with a trip to our friendly Orthodontist.  Next on the list was our final ultrasound.  I had a few minutes so I headed to Hobby Lobby to pick up the last needed items for the nursery.  I found everything on my list (in the cutest shade of pink and green) and the best was all on clearance.  I was one happy VER

A Challenge For Every Woman

For some Mother's Day is a day of celebration. For others it brings great sorrow.  There are those who have begged God for a child yet their arms remain empty.  Those who have had a life swell within...only for it to be ripped away too early.  Those who have hope... awaiting anxiously...only to suffer through a failed adoption.  My heart aches for you...some of these I've experienced myself.  There are those who are blessed with children either through the seed of their womb or through the gift of another...yet they feel like a failure more often than they feel like anything else.  I understand.  I've been there many times myself. There are those who starve for a mothers' embrace and tender love. It can be a hard day.  Especially if we lose perspective. So, where ever you find yourself this Mother's Day.  I want to challenge you. I hope to encourage you. To the brokenhearted who long for a child but that dream hasn't come yet...don't be resentf