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A Challenge For Every Woman

For some Mother's Day is a day of celebration.

For others it brings great sorrow. 

There are those who have begged God for a child yet their arms remain empty.  Those who have had a life swell within...only for it to be ripped away too early.  Those who have hope... awaiting anxiously...only to suffer through a failed adoption.  My heart aches for you...some of these I've experienced myself. 

There are those who are blessed with children either through the seed of their womb or through the gift of another...yet they feel like a failure more often than they feel like anything else.  I understand.  I've been there many times myself.

There are those who starve for a mothers' embrace and tender love.

It can be a hard day.  Especially if we lose perspective.

So, where ever you find yourself this Mother's Day.  I want to challenge you. I hope to encourage you.

To the brokenhearted who long for a child but that dream hasn't come yet...don't be resentful of your path.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself.  Don't let the lies of the enemy steal the joy that awaits you.  If you pour into a child's are a mother!  One of the most influential and loved women in my life was a single woman who never had children.  She taught me more than she realized.  Her words of grace, love and wisdom play in my head even now...especially now.  Her sweet memories are a gift that I treasure and my heart misses her greatly.  Don't underestimate the power you have.  Step in and take hold of a child whose mother is plain worn out.  Be an encourager.  Be a blessing.  Be a teacher.  Be the tender embrace that wraps the invisible child...the one whose mother left earth much too early....or the one who was never wanted.  Having a child doesn't make you more of a woman...  Loving one does.  So, stop believing the lie and choose to live with purpose. 

To those who wake to screaming babes, sticky floors, suffocating piles of laundry, plugged toilets and loud.  Oh.  SO.  Loud.  You're not alone.  You are not a failure.  Are you a bad mom?  Probably, at times.  Lets be honest...we all are.  There are moments...days when patience is nowhere to be found.  Angry words bubble out before I know it.  And I just don't have the energy or desire to read one more bedtime story.  Really, I just can't wait until they go to bed.  Maybe you've had those days too?  Motherhood can feel lonely and exhausting.  At times, I have felt like my prayers bounced from the ceiling.  Nothing I do seems to be right or good enough.  I'm not good enough.  That's OK.  That's why we have grace...none of us are good enough.  None of us are perfect.  We mess up.  We make mistakes despite our best intentions.  Sometimes, we just flat out sin because after all, we are sinners.  I'm not saying that we shouldn't care about how we're doing.  Being a mom is a calling that comes with great responsibility and we should always strive to be the best...give our kids the best.  Yet at the end of the day are best is still never good enough.  Our children have holes God shaped holes in their hearts that only He can fill - just like us.  We're all human.  Messy.  I don't like that.  I like things, circumstances, people to be neat...boarders of life to appear as a pristine flower bed that I've pinned on Pinterest.  But life, my family, me...  Messy.

You know what? God can do AMAZING things with messy!

For now, you may feel overwhelmed.  You may have a meltdown in the Walmart baking aisle.  You may smell funny because who knows if the day gave time for a shower, or if your mind was even present enough to remember you needed one.  Wondering - always wondering if anything you do matters.  It does.  Pray...a lot.  Seek wisdom and ask God for a humble heart.  He is so faithful to guide a teachable spirit.  AND for those days when you re-scrub what was clean 30 seconds ago...don't be resentful.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself.  Don't let the lies of the enemy steal the joy of motherhood...your purpose.  Keep putting one foot in front of the other and remember...even though the daunting tasks of motherhood may be mundane and ordinary your children never are.  They are a precious gift entrusted to you...for a them well and enjoy the journey...even the messy.

To the ones who struggle because mom was taken too soon or those whose mothers didn't...perhaps couldn' well.  Forgive.  Don't become bitter...that will only destroy you.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself.  Don't let the lies of the enemy steal your joy.  You can choose different for your life now.  Be the mother you always wanted...needed.  Whether single, married, children of your own or a surrogate for others fill your home with laughter.  Smother those innocent souls with hugs and acceptance.  Meet the needs you never had met for yourself.  Give away the love you never received.  Fulfill your purpose and let that pain make your heart overflow with compassion.  Love well.

Finally, lets stop judging and comparing ourselves to every other woman.  We're all unique.  Valuable.  Loved.  Broken.  We need each others mercy, forgiveness and encouragement.  Lets choose to build each other up and celebrate the part we each have in the thing called motherhood.

Until then...


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