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Are You Serious???

It's funny how life can change things up so quickly.

I'm a planner.  Anyone who knows me knows this.  So, when things suddenly change it throws me for a loop.  I've learned to adjust and adapt quickly... but for a few moments... it can be stressful!  That's what happened today. 

I knew the day was going to be full.  Honestly, the last month has been full of appointments, washing and putting away baby clothes, painting the nursery, cooking freezer meals for my recovery time, grocery shopping for the next 3 months and getting the house in order to meet our new little one.  I'm exhausted.  Still, I have things that must be done.  We started off early with a trip to our friendly Orthodontist.  Next on the list was our final ultrasound.  I had a few minutes so I headed to Hobby Lobby to pick up the last needed items for the nursery.  I found everything on my list (in the cutest shade of pink and green) and the best was all on clearance.  I was one happy VERY pregnant woman.

The ultrasound confirmed that everything is going well.  Baby looks healthy and fluid levels are normal!

That's when it happened..."It's a BOY!!!"  WHAT?!?!  Back to the beginning we go.  Thankfully, the nursery can be changed to fit a boy with a few minor adjustments.

Everyone is thrilled...shocked...but thrilled.  Now, if we can just agree on a middle name...

Until then...


  1. You thought you were having a girl and now you're having a boy? That's cool! What a fun surprise! I'm kind of envious. We don't know how to have boys. :]

  2. Hey there. Heard you took a fall today and I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you.


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