It pushes it's way down the path, arousing leaves from their autumn slumber. Dancing it's way through the hanging chimes the music grows louder. With each passing moment it's power intensifies. Lying in bed I listen to it's howling...beating against the barn door...looking for it's's way in.
I don't always think of it's existence although it surrounds me daily. Most of the time it's quiet. It's affects invisible. Something to just breath in...breath in without any thought. Sometimes it comes as a gentle welcomed breeze in the midst of July heat or the crisp coolness on an autumn eve, but in the midst of a storm the wind can not be denied. With violence it beats it's way through destroying anything in it's path.
Like our enemy.
Until then...
I don't always think of it's existence although it surrounds me daily. Most of the time it's quiet. It's affects invisible. Something to just breath in...breath in without any thought. Sometimes it comes as a gentle welcomed breeze in the midst of July heat or the crisp coolness on an autumn eve, but in the midst of a storm the wind can not be denied. With violence it beats it's way through destroying anything in it's path.
Like our enemy.
The enemy of our soul.
All to often I forget he's there.
All to often I forget he's there.
Most of the time he's quiet, subtle, clever. At times I welcome his presence. Not intentionally of course - but if I'm honest it can be easier to stay angry than forgive. Holding onto the anger feels good for awhile - like that cool breeze in sweltering heat. It's easier to close my heart, grow cool in my love, rather than loving with a passion. It's easier at least for a time to live sloppy, lazy, careless lives instead of being intentional and taking a stand. To live the way Jesus asks of me takes thought, purpose, intentionality, and prayer...lots of prayer. Yet at times I become complacent and breathe life in...breathe without thought.
But that is how the wrong things take root and destruction begins. Our enemy just like the wind intensifies with strength. He's found a weakness so he beats and howls until he's broken through.
But that is how the wrong things take root and destruction begins. Our enemy just like the wind intensifies with strength. He's found a weakness so he beats and howls until he's broken through.
I encourage you the next time he comes beating at the door of your heart...turn to Jesus. Cry out for help to the one who calms the storm. The one who commands the wind and waves and is our peace.
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