On a drizzling June morn, a few weeks before they brought that sixth blessing home, she inked it upon the wall. Scrolled it out right there above where he would sleep. Where they had all slept. Well, at least the last four.
And everyday when she would lay him to sleep or reach to awaken him she would see it and be reminded.
Reminded that each one has been a special gift that is meant to be cherished and to cherish meant to keep focused on what really matters.
Even when things don't turn out as expected. Even when the darkness comes.
After she miscarried baby Hope and he left their room at nineteen months of age she almost erased it...fearing no more babes would fill that cradle or her womb but God had other plans. Five months later she was expecting Michaela. But the pregnancy was complicated from the start and until that little girl screamed her first breath they didn't know if she would sleep in the cradle under the scroll. Still - she decided to keep it as a reminder.
Now each night and each dawn she reads it as she scoops up that little girl who holds her heart. And in the middle of the mundane...chaos...and loud... she reminds herself what a blessing this mess of seven has been.
She holds just a bit tighter...for just a bit longer.
For she is thankful.
Until then...
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And everyday when she would lay him to sleep or reach to awaken him she would see it and be reminded.
Reminded that each one has been a special gift that is meant to be cherished and to cherish meant to keep focused on what really matters.
Even when things don't turn out as expected. Even when the darkness comes.
After she miscarried baby Hope and he left their room at nineteen months of age she almost erased it...fearing no more babes would fill that cradle or her womb but God had other plans. Five months later she was expecting Michaela. But the pregnancy was complicated from the start and until that little girl screamed her first breath they didn't know if she would sleep in the cradle under the scroll. Still - she decided to keep it as a reminder.
Now each night and each dawn she reads it as she scoops up that little girl who holds her heart. And in the middle of the mundane...chaos...and loud... she reminds herself what a blessing this mess of seven has been.
She holds just a bit tighter...for just a bit longer.
For she is thankful.
Until then...
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