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Showing posts from February, 2011

Even When He Is Silent...

"I Believe In Love" How long will my prayers seem unanswered? Is there still faith in me to reach the end? I'm feeling doubt I'm losing faith But giving up would cost me everything So I'll stand in the pain and the silence And I'll speak to the dark night I believe in the sun even when it's not shining I believe in love even when I don't feel it And I believe in God even when He is silent And I, I believe Though I can't see my stories ending That doesn't mean the dark night has no end It's only here that I find faith And learn to trust the one who writes my days So I'll stand in the pain and the silence And I'll speak to the dark night I believe in the sun even when it's not shining I believe in love even when I don't feel it And I believe in God even when He is silent And I, I believe No dark can consume Light No death greater than this life We are not forgotten Hope is found when we say Even whe

What Is Real?

"Don't you see horse, we had it wrong, it's not love, it's loving that makes us Real."   I LOVE this quote from The Velveteen Rabbit movie.  How often do I..have it wrong?  We feel unloved, unimportant, unworthy because of the hurtful things others say or the lack of love we have received. But our value doesn't come from how much love we receive from those here on earth.  We get our worth from Jesus.  God is love.  And He gave it all on the cross for you and for me - even when we hated Him.  He was the perfect example that it is better to love than be loved.     We are commanded, not asked, to love others as ourselves.  This is not to let someone off the hook, rather to guard our own hearts.  Guard our hearts from bitterness and hatred.  In Proverbs we are told that it is our responsibility to guard our heart.  No one else can - or will - do it for us.  I have found that it is possible to truly love someone who is very hurtful and not let it aff

Cupid's Mission

Ahhh love is in the air...Or at least it will be soon!   Here are a few ideas to make this Valentine's Day special!     Family and Friends  Leave a sweet message on the bathroom mirror (use lipstick for your sweetie and dry erase markers for your little ones). Serve breakfast with a Valentines theme - Pretty pink eggs,  Precious pink pancakes (cut into darling heart shapes) and so on.  Your children will love this-write 26 notes using each letter of the alphabet to describe what makes them special.  Hide the notes all over the house revealing clues to make them hunt for their treasures.  Little girls love having a special tea party!  Top it off by having a mini makeover complete with hair, manicure and pedicure.  Nothing beats miniature pink toenails! Sandwiches cut into hearts; make the perfect lunch. Bake yummy cookies to share with your neighbors. Design a homemade Valentine instead of a store bought card. Before bed have each person in the family express one thing

Decadent Desserts

Hi y'all!  Valentine's Day is creepin' up so I thought I would share two of my favorite desserts for this time of year.  Chocolate.  Chocolate.  And more chocolate.  Mmmmmm...Delicious!!! Danish Torte 3 egg whites  1/2 teaspoon cream of tarter 3/4 cup sugar 3/4 cup finely ground pecans Cover two baking sheets with aluminum foil; draw an 8 inch circle in the center of each cookie sheet.  Beat egg whites with cream of tarter in large bowl until foamy.  Beat in sugar 1 tablespoon at a time on high speed; beat 2-3 minutes until stiff and glossy peaks form.  Fold in pecans.  Divide meringue onto cookie sheets; spread evenly smoothing tops and edges.  Bake in 275 degree preheated oven for 45 minutes.  Halfway through baking time, reverse position of baking sheets both horizontally and front to back.  Bake as close to the center of oven as possible.  After 45 minutes of baking time turn oven off.  Leave in oven with door closed for 45minutes longer.  Cool baking sheets to

Love Abounds

Wow.  I wish I had better words to express what I feel, but all I can say is THANK YOU!!!  To be honest,  I was hesitant to publish my post yesterday.  Fear had a grip.  Even though I knew God had told me to share my story I was expecting condemnation from many.  Not something I was looking forward too.  But all I have received are notes, emails and comments of encouragement, love and kindness.  You have no idea how you have blessed my heart!  Many of you I have never met..some of you know me all too well...I am SO grateful for EACH of you.  My prayer is that you would feel God's presence and love like you never have before! Until next time... Jessie

Judgment Loomed

As I exited the door my heart was pierced with their animosity.  Hatred and poison spewed from their lips.  Murderer!  Whore!  Baby killer!  You'll rot in Hell for what you did!  Over and over...  The savage mob encircled me with no escape.  Screaming just a breath away from my face.  Shoving with such force I was almost knocked to the ground.  They spat in my hair.  Humiliated.  Tears streamed down my cheeks as I pushed through the violence.  Once inside my car I began to weep.   Even in the present their vile words reel through my mind.  Beads of sweat began to form in my tightly clinched fists.  Squirming in my chair... biting my lower lip as an attempt to hold it together.  Peering above the Pastor's head as though I was looking at him... knowing if I did I would burst into tears.  That was my experience at church this past Sunday.  To my relief the Pastor spoke words of love, life and truth NOT condemnation.  Healing and refreshing.  It was the uninvited memories that ha

What is Love?

Upon waking this morning I found myself with the all too familiar feeling of being hit by a semi...I ache from head to toe.  I knew what I would experience the moment my eyelids began to flutter.  Her breath was hot. Wrapped around my shoulders were her moist, miniature hands clinging to my nightgown with a death grip.  My sassy five year old strikes again!  Ever since she was born she has loved sleeping in our bed.  Even though I have tried everything to break this behavior she inevitably snuggles herself against me the moment I have fallen asleep.  She has appropriately earned the nickname "Velcro".  So as you can imagine with every movement I make she is attached as if we were one.  Her nose plastered to my skin like a hound...breathing in all that I am.     It reminds me of how my relationship with God should be.  I should desire to inhale all that He is.  Press in so close that it's as if we were one.  Hunger to obey and please Him so deeply that I surrender all, a