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Showing posts from September, 2012

Enjoy Every Moment

 How are all of you?  We've been canning and canning and more canning at the Lutz farm but in just a few days we should be done.  =) Woohoooo!  I can't wait to just sit back, relax and enjoy this fall's my favorite time of year you know.  Even with all the busyness that surrounds we've been enjoying life though.  My most treasured gift this week, was celebrating my baby girl's birthday!  I can't believe she's already 7!  Time slips by so quickly...doesn't it?  A moment is just a moment...then it's gone forever.  I know we're entering in upon the holiday season and very soon life will be full of craziness.  I just want to encourage you - don't forget to slow down, take time to breathe, remember what...or who... is REALLY important.  Enjoy only get one chance. 3 Gifts Ugly - Beautiful  Fighting with my husband Being wrong Words that sting A Gift Fixed, Folded, Freckled Restored relationship Clean cri

Everyday Gifts

Good morning everyone!  This post will be short... as I'm still buried under a pile of potatoes! =) Here are my gifts for the week.  Are any of you counting with me???   3 Gifts moving Their tiny feet scurrying about A van that's working again The laughing duck outside our window 3 Hard Eucharisteo Loving my enemies Remembering lessons taught, through betrayal Facing my fears instead of running 3 Gifts in His word The promise of a rainbow He will NEVER leave or forsake me Truth, Freedom, Comfort A Gift Scented, Scrawled, Started The distinct aroma of cow... on the way to ballet =) Words of love Planning for an intense weekend 3 Gifts Drawn Healing for her heart Wisdom from a friend Our dreams 3 Gifts Paired A pumpkin patch, joyful kids, and lots of dirt... all make for a wonderful day 3 gifts shared Many make the work go faster Stories and laughter Big bear hugs Until then... Jessie

Ummmm You're Short!

Now THAT'S a cute pair of shoes!!! It was a day of celebration and I couldn't wait to get to the party!  I slipped on a pair of my favorite shoes, took one final glance in the mirror, hopped in the car and headed on out.  Stepping upon the pavement, I took one leap and my shoe broke!  Horrified I looked down and quickly realized I was now 4 inches closer to the ground.  Now, you have to understand - I'm a few inches too tall to be cute and petite and many inches from being anything else.  I'm...well...short.  I know, I know, I can't really change my package but it bugs me. does.  So, I came up with a solution - cute heels.  It's the best of both worlds.  I get to rock a pair of fabulous shoes AND appear taller. =) Back to my story, quite rattled by this wardrobe malfunction I wanted to run home.  Silly I know. After taking a few minutes to compose myself... I made the choice to walk into the room with my head held high, a beaming

Soak In Grace

Hey everyone!  I hope y'all had a wonderful week.  It's been busy 'round here.  Canning season has begun, and right now I'm drowning in a sea of peaches!  I'm thankful for all the yummy food... but I'll be pleased when it's done and I can sit back and enjoy the changing seasons.  How about you...have you started any canning? Well, last week I wrote a post about Ann's joy dare for September if you haven't read it yet you can find it here   I knew the minute I decided to take the challenge I was asking for trouble.  Sure enough, anything that could go wrong did.  However, each time I was frustrated or discouraged I would remember the gifts I wrote down and it put a smile on my face.  If you've decided to do this challenge with me I hope you've been blessed as well.  AND - if you are keeping a journal of your gifts please share would encourage so many.  Lets

Ugly Into Beauty

For years I've kept a gratitude journal.  Looking back upon the inked words I know they have been the light my heart needed on some very dark days.  Keeping perspective is hard when all of life comes crashing down but if we stop for just a moment...think for just a moment...we see we've been blessed with so much. Ann Voskamp, author of One Thousand Gifts has challenged each of us to give thanks.  Asking us to remember our blessings even in the midst of the storm.  Sounds easy enough.  Right?  Yet it's not.  To do this we must make a choice.  I must make a choice.  It must be done with intentionality.  I must pursue the search, actively seek beyond the ugliness of this world to the beauty God showers upon me each and every day. Over time, a truly grateful heart is formed.  Thankfulness becomes a habit and the lens I view the world through becomes brighter, happier, content.  If you want your children to love happy despite their God in all