"Oh, God. No! Why - why now? What do you want from me? I've loved you. I've tried so hard to please and obey you...and this is what I get? I was so happy! This is a sick joke. You're playing with me. You let me be happy for a moment and then snatch it away? No. I'm angry! I told you this was the one thing I could not survive. I trusted that you would take care of me. Protect me. You're no different than anyone else. Go away!" "I can’t believe I just said that. Father, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me! I know what I said was wrong. I feel that way now but I know you love me. I need your help. I won't survive this without you. I've been foolish. Please don’t leave me!" With raw emotion those words poured from my lips before I could edit what was proper to speak. Yes, I was praying but I knew better than to speak to God that way. Nevertheless, there it was in all of it's "glory" unveiling the ugliness of...